VII Jornada de Cromatina i Epigenètica
Data: 24 de març de 2017
Lloc: Sala Prat de la Riba, IEC
Organitzen: Secció de Cromatina i Epigenètica de la SCB (Albert Jordan) i BCN Chromatin Club (Sonia Forcales, Tanya Vavouri)
Amb la col·laboració de:
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Data límit per enviament de resums: 5 de març de 2017
Inscripcions (límit 17 de març de 2017)
Programa i resums de les comunicacions
Com fer-se soci i gaudir dels avantatges des d’avui mateix
Enguany, els conferenciants convidats són els següents:
- Alfred Cortés (Centre de Recerca en Salut Internacional de Barcelona, CRESIB).
- Marcus Buschbeck (Institut de Recerca contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras, IJC).
- Tanya Vavouri (IJC & Programa de Medicina Predictiva i Personalitzada del Càncer, PMPPC).
- Thomas Graf, Luciano di Croce, Roderic Guigó, Marc A. Martí-Renom and Bernhard Payer (Centre de Regulació Genòmica, CRG-PRBB).
- Marian Martínez Balbas (Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona, IBMB-CSIC-PCB).
- Maribel Parra and Alejandro Vaquero (Programa d’Epigenètica i Biologia del Càncer, PEBC-IDIBELL).
- Eulàlia de Nadal (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, UPF-PRBB).
- Vardham Rakyan (Blizard Institute, London, UK).
- Alicia Roque (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB).
- Ángel Barco (Instituto de Neurociencias, IN-UMH-CSIC, Alicante).
- Oriol Bachs (IDIBAPS-Universitat de Barcelona, UB).
- Adelheid Lempradl (Max Planck Inst. Immunobiol. and Epigenetics, Germany)
- Ben Lehner (CRG)
The newly created Chromatin and Epigenetics section of the SCB and the Barcelona Chromatin Club (BCC) announce the 7th Annual BCN Chromatin and Epigenetics Symposium to be held on March 24, 2017. Its objective is to bring together the different groups of our geographical area working on this field, for the presentation and discussion of results, and enhancement of contacts and collaborations between them.
Structure and program: The program will consist on talks from invited speakers, plus posters presented by registered participants. Few abstracts may be selected for short talks. One of the sessions will host the 6th Barcelona Chromatin Club focused on “Epigenetic inheritance”.
Until now, the invited speakers are:
- Vardham Rakyan (Blizard Institute, London, UK).
- Alfred Cortés (Centre de Recerca en Salut Internacional de Barcelona, CRESIB).
- Marcus Buschbeck (Institut de Recerca contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras, IJC).
- Tanya Vavouri (IJC & Programa de Medicina Predictiva i Personalitzada del Càncer, PMPPC).
- Thomas Graf, Luciano di Croce, Roderic Guigó and Bernhard Payer (Centre de Regulació Genòmica, CRG-PRBB).
- Marian Martínez Balbas (Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona, IBMB-CSIC-PCB).
- Maribel Parra and Alejandro Vaquero (Programa d’Epigenètica i Biologia del Càncer, PEBC-IDIBELL).
- Eulàlia de Nadal (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, UPF-PRBB).
- Pere Suau (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB).
- Oriol Bachs (IDIBAPS-Universitat de Barcelona, UB).
- Ángel Barco (Instituto de Neurociencias, IN-UMH-CSIC, Alicante).
Date and Location: March 24h 2016, 9am to 7:30pm. Prat de la Riba auditorium, Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Carrer del Carme, 47. Barcelona.
Summaries for communications: participants who wish to present their research as posters should send a summary no longer than 300 words, in English and Word format, to, after formal registration and before March 5th. All Summaries should include: title, authors and address (Centre, postal address and e-mail). Please, underline the author who will be presenting the work. We will be grateful if you follow this text format: Times New Roman 12pt (except 8pt for the address), title in bold letter. Please, do not include graphics or pictures.
All presentations will be in English.
Posters: maximum size: 1 m wide x 2 m high
Participants should register at
Indicate if you would present a communication, and the name of your group leader. When registering you should agree on the following statement: ‘I agree that my contact details will be made accessible to the other participants’.
Deadline for registration March 17th.
Registration is free for members of the Catalan Society of Biology. Otherwise, the registration fee is 25 € for Ph.D. students and 40 € for others incl. group leaders.
Payment: Bank Transfer to “la Caixa” 2100-0963-61-0200010607
Please indicate the participant’s name and VII CroEpi
If you wish to become member of the SCB, you may obtain the corresponding form following the link Send the filled form to or by mail.
Secretaries from the SCB:
Mariàngels Gallego and Maite Sánchez
Societat Catalana de Biologia
C/ Maria Aurèlia Capmany, 14-16, 08001 Barcelona.
Tel. 933 248 584; E-mail:
Organized by:
Albert Jordan
Coordinator of the Chromatin and Epigenetics section of the SCB
Dept. Molecular Genomics, Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC), Parc Científic de Barcelona
With the collaboration of:
Sonia Forcales and Tanya Vavouri
Sponsored by:
Societat Catalana de Biologia
Institut d’Estudis Catalans
Active Motif