XXIX Jornada de Biologia del Desenvolupament
Data: 24 de novembre de 2017
Lloc: Sala Prat de la Riba, IEC
Organitza: Secció de Biologia del Desenvolupament de la SCB
Programa final i llibre de resums
Jornada anual de trobada de tota la comunitat que treballa en l’àmbit de la Biologia del Desenvolupament a Catalunya. Oportunitat per a joves doctorands i postdocs de presentar la seva recerca
Conferenciants convidats:
James Sharpe, CRG
Cristina Pujades, UPF
Marta Llimargas, IBMB-CSIC
Data límit de presentació de resums: 10 de novembre
Dear colleagues
We are happy to announce the XXIX Developmental Biology Meeting, organized by the Section of Developmental Biology of the Catalan Society of Biology (SCB). This section has a long tradition in organizing specialized meetings, first together with the section of Molecular Biology and later, independently. This year’s meeting will be held on November 24th 2017.
The main goal is to gather the whole scientific community working in the field of Developmental Biology in Catalunya in order to meet each other, share knowledge, establish contacts and promote synergies and scientific collaborations and discussions.
Registration and submission of abstracts
In the registration form you will find the instructions for registering, payment and submitting the abstracts.
This meeting is structured in sessions of oral communications (10 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion) and poster presentation (maximum size: 1 m width x 1,75 m length). From the section we encourage PhD students and postdocs to present their research in the form of oral communications. The official language of the meeting is English. The maximum length of the abstracts is 300 words (without figures).
Deadline for abstract submission: November 10th 2017.
Invited Speakers:
James Sharpe (Centre for Genomic Regulation CRG)
Cristina Pujades (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Marta Llimargas (Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona-CSIC)
This fee includes the registration as well as lunch and coffee breaks.
SCB members: 0 euros
No SCB member (student) 25 euros
No SCB member (other) 40 euros
Secretariat of the Meeting
Mariàngels Gallego & Maite Sánchez
Societat Catalana de Biologia
Tel.: 933 248 584
A/e: scb@iec.cat
Francesc Cebrià (Coordinator), Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Teresa Adell, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Berta Alsina, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Please help us to make the maximum diffusion and we hope to meet all of you on November 24th.
Francesc Cebrià
Coordinator of the Section of Developmental Biology of the Catalan Society of Biology
Barcelona, September 18th 2017