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PostDoc Day: A New Generation in Biomedical Research

Data: 29 d’octubre de 2024, de 9.00h a 17.30h

Lloc: Sala Pere i Joan Coromines, IEC

Organitzen: IRB, VHIO i SCB


The Postdoc Day is a free, one-day symposium that aims to gather postdoctoral researchers from different institutions in Barcelona, particularly those in the biomedical field. This event is planed in two sessions: a career development session in the morning and a networking session in the afternoon. The first session will cover presentations from key-note speakers with different career background to discuss the career development opportunities in biomedicine. The second session will consist on dynamic networking activities to meet other postdocs and foster collaboration. It promises to be an enriching experience and a platform for discussing current and future challenges biomedical research.

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