IX Jornada de Bioinformàtica i Genòmica
Data: 16 de desembre de 2021, tot el dia
Lloc: Virtual
Organitzen: Secció de Bioinformàtica i Genòmica de la SCB, Associació Bioinformatics Barcelona – BIB i Institut de Recerca contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras
Amb el patrocini de:
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Millor comunicació oral: Alejandro Valenzuela (IBE CSIC-UPF)
Leveraging comparative genomics across primates to decipher the genomic architecture of complex traits
Millor Flash talk: Núria Olvera Ocaña (IDIBAPS)
Lung Tissue Multi-layer Network in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Millor pòster: Adria Fernandez-Torras (IRB)
The Bioteque, a comprehensive repository of biomolecular descriptors
We are glad to invite you to the IX Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium, which will take place at the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute Auditorium, (Can Ruti Campus, Ctra de Can Ruti, Camí de les Escoles s/n, Badalona) on the 16th of December of 2021, with the possibility of on-line participation. The symposium is organized together by the Section of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics and the Section of Genomics and Proteomics of the Societat Catalana de Biologia (SCB), the Bioinformatics Barcelona Association (BIB) and the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC). The main goal of this meeting is to foster scientific interaction between the different groups, by presenting the excellent research carried out in Catalonia in bioinformatics and genomics, such as advances in our understanding of the genome in humans and other organisms, new technological developments, healthcare applications and impact of genomic data on evolutionary science, among other areas.
Structure and Program: The symposium will consist of four sessions, including two keynote talks from internationally recognized scientists, Mark Robinson (University of Zurich, Switzerland), and Meritxell Oliva (University of Chicago, US), and oral presentations selected from the submitted abstracts, followed by a poster session. A strong focus of this symposium are students and postdocs, so we strongly encourage them to submit and present their work, and take this event as an opportunity to enhance their communication skills, as well as to widen their perception of nearby activities in bioinformatics and genomics.
The final program will be available from the 1st of December, 2021 at:
Registration: Registration is required before the 10th of December 2021 at the symposium website. Registration is free for all members of the SCB, 30 € for students (undergraduate and PhD candidates) or members of the BIB institutions, and 60 € for other researchers. You can become a SCB member or check the BIB associated institutions at:
Abstracts: Participants willing to present their research as an oral communication or a poster may submit a brief abstract of their presentation (maximum 300 words) at the time of registration, by the 29th of November 2021.
Oral communications should be in English and focus on general aspects of the projects (context, main goals and results), avoiding detailed technical information, with a total duration of 12 min + 3 min for questions. In case that the number of submitted communications exceeds the available time, the Organizing Committee will select the communications to be presented based on scientific interest and a balanced distribution among groups. Selected presenters of talks and posters will be required to attend in person. The best communication by a student or postdoc and the best poster will be awarded a prize at the end of the conference.
Travel bursaries: The conference will offer up to two fellowships of 200 € to cover the travel costs of participants presenting an abstract travelling from outside Catalonia, giving priority to university and research centres from the Catalan Countries.
Organizing committee:
Tanya Vavouri (IJC) Lorenzo Pasquali (UPF) Mario Cáceres (ICREA, UAB) Roderic Guigó (CRG-UPF) Ana Ripoll (UAB, BIB) |
Mariàngels Gallego and Maite Sánchez Secretaria de la Societat Catalana de Biologia scb@iec.cat Rosa Bover Bioinformatics Barcelona Association coordination@bioinformaticsbarcelona.eu Helena Diaz and Martí Badal Communication Team of Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute communication@carrerasresearch.org |
La SCB: què és, què fa i quins beneficis dóna als seus socis
La Societat Catalana de Biologia (SCB) fou fundada l’any 1912, fou la primera filial de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans i tingué com a primer president el doctor August Pi i Sunyer. Després de la interrupció de les seves activitats l’any 1938, aquestes foren represes el 1954 en la clandestinitat, i finalment, de manera púbica, el 1962. Des d’aleshores, el nombre de socis i d’activitats organitzades ha anat creixent fins als mil quatre-cents socis actuals i unes cinquanta activitats al llarg de l’any, dirigides a la comunitat científica, estudiantil, docent o al públic en general. A més, edita les publicacions Què Cal Saber i Treballs, i ha editat la revista Omnis. La SCB s’organitza en vint-i-dues seccions temàtiques i en cinc seccions territorials, i està dirigida per un consell directiu que és elegit per l’assemblea de socis, i actualment presidit pel doctor Lluís Tort. Així, doncs, la SCB és la societat científica més antiga, amb més socis i amb més activitat del nostre país.
Els objectius de la SCB són reunir els professionals i estudiosos de les ciències de la vida del nostre país per permetre l’intercanvi d’idees i ajudar a difondre la recerca que fem dins la comunitat científica —també fora de les nostres fronteres— i a la societat en general. En definitiva, la SCB aspira a ésser el referent de la recerca en biologia al nostre país.
Els beneficis per als socis inclouen, entre d’altres, rebre la programació dels actes organitzats per la SCB, obtenir descomptes en l’assistència a les jornades científiques, tenir plaça reservada en actes amb aforament limitat, rebre les publicacions i revistes en paper al domicili, tenir descomptes en totes les publicacions i llibres del IEC, poder organitzar activitats, i tenir veu i vot en l’assemblea general de socis. Tot per només 38 € anuals els socis numeraris i 15 € anuals els socis estudiants. Feu-vos-en socis ja! https://scb.iec.cat/butlleta-de-socis/
Bioinformatics Barcelona Association (BIB)
BIB is a non-profit association for the provision of education and training; the promotion of advanced research, knowledge and technology transfer; the stimulation of competitiveness and innovation within the industrial sector; and the provision of greater visibility as an international node in the field of Bioinformatics. BIB was established to meet the need for generating synergies between biology and computer science, for a stronger union between these areas, and for the development of high-quality education and training programmes in the creation of bioinformatic talent.
Constituted in 2015, BIB, currently, comprises over 50 leading institutions related to the Bioinformatic sector that develop their activities within the health, agrifood and technology sector. BIB members are universities, research centers, health research institutes, large scientific infrastructures and companies among others.
The association has a critical mass of internationally recognised researchers in bioinformatics with complementary profiles, ready-and-available computational infrastructures and a strong industrial and clinical sector. Jointly, these create a highly appropriate environment to establish and pursue innovative projects among all its stakeholders for the development of new products and services, in which, by combining their efforts, organizations can go beyond their current limits.
With the cooperation of all its members, BIB, will turn Barcelona—and Catalonia at large—into the scientific cluster of reference in southern Europe, and into a strategic hub for Bioinformatics worldwide, thanks to a highly developed ecosystem and a privileged geographical location, open to the world. For more information visit: http://bioinformaticsbarcelona.eu
Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute
The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute is a non-profit research institute based in Badalona (Barcelona), dedicated to biomedical research and personalized medicine in leukaemia and other malignant blood diseases.
It was launched in 2010 by the Josep Carreras Foundation, together with the Catalan Government, and its current director is Professor Manel Esteller. The institute is home to 35 research groups conducting excellent research into the basic, epidemiological, preventive, clinical and translational aspects of leukaemia and other haematological malignancies.
One of the objectives of the Institute is to shorten the distance from the lab to the bedside, even physically. Therefore, it is organized in five different campuses in close contact with some of the leading hospitals in Catalonia: Germans Trias i Pujol, Clínic, Sant Pau and Josep Trueta.
Our efforts are directed towards identifying new therapeutic targets and developing effective treatments through cutting-edge research. Our fight will endure until there is a cure. http://carrerasresearch.org