COST-MITOEAGLE and Barcelona meeting
Dates: del 21 al 23 de març de 2017
Lloc: Institut d’Estudis Catalans
Organitzen: COST, METNET, MITO i SCB
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CA15203 Mitochondrial fitness mapping:
Conference, Working Groups and MC meeting – COST Action MITOEAGLE
DAY 1. Tuesday, 2017-03-21 – MITOEAGLE Conference
08:30 Registration and signature of attendance.
08:45 Pablo Garcia-Roves (ES) Welcome: Introduction of COST-MITOEAGLE and Barcelona meeting to all participants
Session 1: Connecting mitochondrial physiology – global perspectives and case studies
Chair: Kathrin Renner-Sattler – Germany
09:15 Erich Gnaiger (AT) Quality first: a paradigm shift in mt-respiratory control towards global connection.
09:45 Paul Coen (USA) To bring MITOEAGLE and MoTrPAC together.
10:15 General discussion
10:20 Werner Koopman (NL) Standardized quantification of mitochondrial morphology and function in living patient fibroblasts using microscopy.
10:40 Roberto Scatena, Patrizia Bottoni (IT) Mitochondria and cancer stem cells in hepatocarcinoma. An illustrative example of a tangled methodological approach.
10:55 Rob Wüst (NL) Mitochondrial Complex I function in heart failure: different angles to analyze mitochondrial function.
11:10-11:40 COFFEE BREAK
Session 2: Connecting data on cardiac and skeletal muscle mitochondria
Chair: Terje Larsen – Norway
11:40 Andrew Murray (UK) Metabolic adaptation to high altitude in Himalayan Sherpas.
12:10 Hervé Dubouchaud (FR) Effects of different fatty acids on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function.
12:25 Michal Nemec (SK) Functional state of mitochondria in patients with preclinical and early stage neurodegenerative disease”
12:40 Arild Rustan (NO) Metabolic studies in human skeletal muscle cells.
12:55 Ellen Aasum (NO) Mitochondrial function in the diabetic heart – effect of an acute fat-load.
13:10 Marko Vendelin (EE) VDACs open in the heart mitochondria.
13:25 General discussion
13:40-15:00 LUNCH
Session 3: Connecting data on adipocyte mitochondria
Chair: Jan Nedergaard – Sweden
15:00 Irina Shabalina (SE) Control of UCP1 activity in brown fat mitochondria.
15:30 Tobias Fromme (DE) Source depot and dietary status influence oxidative phosphorylation capacity in permeabilized mature adipocytes.
15:45 Manuela Sanchez-Feutrie (ES) RAP250 deficiency protects from obesity, and enhances mitochondrial metabolism in adipose depots.
16:00 Marc Claret (ES) Mitochondrial performance and central regulation of energy balance.
16:15 Lisa Chakrabarti (UK) Mitochondrial lipid and proteomics comparative studies in mammalian ageing.
16:30-17:00 COFFEE BREAK
Session 4: Connecting data on cultured cells and blood cells
Chair: Magdalena Labieniec-Watala – Poland
17:00 Nicoleta Moisoi (UK) Models of Parkinson’s with focus on cell lines.
17:30 Claus Desler (DK) Mitochondrial mediated genomic instability in aging with focus on cell lines.
17:15 Elisa Calabria (IT) Age and frailty related changes in PBMCs mitochondrial function and whole body physiology.
18:00 Maria Monsalve (ES) Mitochondrial biogenesis in PMBC: potential biomarkers.
18:15 Slawomir Michalak (PL) Mitochondrial respiration in intact peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients with extrapyramidal syndromes.
18:30 Clair Hartmann (DE) Mitochondrial respiration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in an experimental porcine brain injury model.
18:45 Karolina Siewiera (PL) The effect of metformin on blood platelet bioenergetics and platelet function.
DAY 2. Wednesday, 2017-03-22 – Working Groups (WG)
Session 1: Joint WG meeting
Chair: Elisa Calabria – Italy
09:00 WG1 Presentation of tasks and current status.
09:30 WG2 Presentation of tasks and current status.
10:00 WG3 Presentation of tasks and current status.
10:30 WG4 Presentation of tasks and current status.
11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK
Session 2: Specific WG presentations (5+5 min)
Chair: Pablo Garcia-Roves – Spain
11:30 Erich Gnaiger (AT) Current proposal about ‘New terminology’ on SUIT protocols and coupling/pathway control states (WG1).
11:45 Marina Makrecka-Kuka (LT) Fatty acid oxidation evaluation in mitochondria (WG1).
12:00 Paul Coen (USA) and Pablo Garcia-Roves (ES) Technical perspective of high-resolution respirometry in permeabilized skinned muscle fibers: humans and animal models (WG2)
12:30 Odeta Arandarcikaite (LT) Age-related responses of brain mitochondria to ischemic insult (WG3).
12:45 Ondrej Sobotka (CZ) The effect of 24 weeks of high-fat and high-cholesterol diet on rat liver mitochondria (WG3).
13:00 Mario Ost (DE) Multivariate biomarkers of age-dependent sarcopenia: A blood based bioenergetics & cytokine profiling approach (WG4).
13:15 Natasha Kopitar-Jerala (SI) Mitochondrial ROS and inflammation (WG4).
13:30–14:30 LUNCH
Session 3: Specific WG meetings
WG1 – Room TBA
WG2 – Room TBA
WG3 – Room TBA
WG4 – Room TBA
17:00-17:30 COFFEE BREAK
Session 4: Joint WG meeting – conclusions and future WG actions.
17:30 WG1:
Towards a preprint publication on terminology in mitochondrial respiratory physiology.
17:50 WG2:
Fatty acid oxidation evaluation in mitochondria
18:10 WG3:
18:40 WG4:
DAY 3. Thursday, 2017-03-23 – Management Committee (MC)
09:00 Management Committee Meeting
11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK
13:00 End