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Bioinformatics bootcamp for biomedical practitioners

Data: 8 i 9 de setembre de 2016

Lloc: Barcelona Activa, Edifici MediaTIC Roc Boronat, 117 1a planta, 08018 Barcelona.

Organitzen: Secció de Biologia Computacional i bioinformàtica de la SCB i Associació Bioinformàtics Barcelona





Esperant que sigui del vostre interès, us informem dels cursos “BIB-SCB Bioinformatics Bootcamp” que organitzem entre l’Associació Bioinformatics Barcelona (BIB) i la Societat Catalana de Biologia (SCB) en el marc de la col·laboració establerta per desenvolupar activitats formatives en l’àmbit bioinformàtic. A continuació us presentem el primer curs que està dirigit a professionals de l’àmbit de les ciències biològiques i biomèdiques de la vida que tindrà lloc el proper 8 i 9 de setembre a Barcelona Activa.


  • Ivan Erill (UMBC: University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
  • Cédric Notredame (CRG)
  • Toni Gabaldón (CRG)
  • Àlex Sànchez Pla (UB)
  • Baldo Oliva (UPF)

Why take this course?

Bioinformatics and computational biology conform, by definition, an interdisciplinary science, drawing heavily from computer science and biology, but also from physics, math and medicine, to name a few. As a consequence, the greatest challenge to a researcher entering the field of bioinformatics does not typically reside in the mastery of one of its facets, but on overcoming the impedance created by a novel lexicon and set of practices that are far removed from the researcher’s original field. This perceived impedance does not only limit the ability of researchers to fully embrace the field, but also generates communication problems among the multiple parties typically involved in a project with a substantial bioinformatics component, such as computer scientists or medical practitioners. For newcomers with a background in the biomedical sciences, perhaps the greatest challenge comes from the lack of training in coding and the computational concepts related to bioinformatics. This course seeks to break these perceived barriers by combining a theoretical introduction to computing paradigms in bioinformatics with hands-on scripting exercises on common bioinformatics Applications.

Who is this course aimed at?

Post-doctoral researchers and senior scientists in the biological and biomedical sciences in need of bridging the gap between their original discipline and the cross-cutting nature of bioinformatics research.

What will I learn?

You can find attached the course programme.

Why this bootcamp course?

In contrast to week-long courses, a two-day boot camp course does not attempt to cover in detail the whole spectrum of bioinformatics. Rather, it focuses on two more immediate endeavors: showing participants what the field has to offer and breaking down the perceived barriers to entrance. In this regard, a boot camp course does not seek completeness. Instead, the goal is to have participants realize that the entrance impedance is not that high, while showcasing different applications that might be of interest to them, effectively enabling participants to pursue further bioinformatics training in a specific area of their choosing.

How will I learn?

The course will provide participants with the essential concepts in computing and bioinformatics algorithms required to understand the operation of the most frequently used bioinformatics resources. It will gradually introduce participants to scripting using the Python language, enabling them to integrate several key analysis pipelines in functional genomics and network biology.

Places: 20 places

Prices: prices include the course plus the coffee breaks and lunch:

  • BIB and SCB members: 175€
  • Col·legiats Col·legi de Biòlegs de Catalunya: 225€
  • Others: 275€


  • Bioinformatics Barcelona Association (BIB)
  • Societat Catalana de Biologia (SCB)


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